
Single Herb Glossary

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Bì Bá 蓽菝

Pharmaceutical name Piperis longi Fructus Piper longum fruit, long pepper fruit
Category Warms the Interior, Expel Cold
Key Properties Warms the Middle Jiao
Releases constrained Cold in the Intestines
Properties Acrid
Tropism ST, LI
Actions & Indications 1) Warms the Middle, Disperses Cold from ST & Intestines, and Alleviates Pain
2) Applied as a Powder for Toothache
Dosages 1.5-4.5g
Contraindications (TCM) Yin Deficiency and Heat
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Piperine, piperlongumine, piplartin, sesamine
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: inhibito ry influence on S. aureus, Bacillus subtilis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Bacillus dysenteriae, Salmonella typhi, and Bacillus cereus
• Anticonvulsant: intraperitoneal injection has marked effectiveness to prevent seizures and convulsions in rats, with potency similar to phenytoin and trimethadione
• Cardiovascular: dilates blood vessels and causes feelings of warmth in body and extremities; essential oil associated with increased resistance of cardiac muscle to hypoxia; piperlongumine and piplartin at 0.1 mg/kg have marked effect to lower blood pressure in rabbits and rats
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

Su He Xiang Wan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha, An Xi Xiang) (Liquid Styrax Pill) 蘇合香丸(減麝香,硃砂,安息香)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.