
Single Herb Glossary

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Dù Zhòng 杜仲

Pharmaceutical name Eucommiae Cortex Eucommia bark
Category Tonify Yang
Key Properties Tonifies the LV & KD
Strengthens the sinews and bones
Quiets the fetus
Properties Sweet
Slightly acrid
Tropism KD, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Tonifies LV & KD, Strengthens the sinews & bones (weak painful back and knees)
2) Aids in the smooth flow of Qi and blood (weak sinew and bone)
3) Calms the fetus (charred for threat of miscarriage)
4) Recently used for dizziness and lightheadedness (hypertension) from rising LV yang
Dosages 9-15g
Contraindications (TCM) Heat from Yin Deficiency
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Pinoresinol, gutta-percha, eucommioside I, eucommiol, ulmoprenol, eucommioside, alkaloids, proteins, amino acid, organic acid, vitamins, microelements
Pharmacological Effects • Sedative: sedative effect on CNS; significantly reduced spontaneous physical activity in mice, compared to administration of normal saline
• Immunostimulant: decoction at 12 g/kg increased phagocytic activity of macrophages in mice; similar impact observed using bark, leaves, or twigs
• Anti-inflammatory: demonstrated marked anti-inflammatory effects in rats; mechanism of effect attributed to its stimulating effect on endocrine system and consequent secretion of steroids from adrenal cortex; bark and leaves are stronger than twigs for this action
• Antihypertensive: administration in various preparations significantly reduces blood pressure in anesthetized rabbits and dogs; water extract found to be stronger than alcohol extract; dry-fried determined to be more effective than unprocessed herb; tolerance was noted when herb was repeatedly injected intravenously within a short period of time; mechanism of action to reduce blood pressure attributed to dilation of blood vessels
• Uterine relaxant: blocks stimulation and contraction of uterus in a dose-dependent fashion; water and alcohol extracts are comparable in potency; however, salt-fried Du Zhong more effective than unprocessed version
• Adaptogenic: significantly prolonged swimming time in mice; leaves, however, did not exhibit a statistically significant influence
• Antibiotic: decoction shows inhibitory influence on S. aureus, Bacillus dysenteriae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus anthracis, Diplococcus pneumoniae, and β-hemolytic streptococcus
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

Zan Yu Dan (Special Pill to Aid Fertility) 贊育丹

Du Huo Ji Sheng Tang (Angelica Pubescens and Sang-Ji-Sheng Decoction)獨活寄生湯

Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin (Gastrodia and Uncaria Decoction) 天麻芶藤飲 (天麻勾藤饮)

Da Zao Wan (Great Creation Pill) 大造丸

You Gui Wan (Restore the right [kidney] pill) 右歸丸 (右归丸)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.