
Single Herb Glossary

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Shè Xiāng 麝香

Pharmaceutical name Moschus navel gland secretions of the musk deer, musk "musk deer fragrance"
Category Aromatic Herbs that Open the Orifices
Key Properties Intensely Aromatic to Open all the
Orifices & Awaken the Spirit,
Stop Pain, & Unblock the Channels & Collaterals by Invigorating the Blood
Properties Acrid
Tropism HT, SP, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Vigorously Opens Orifices, Revives Spirit, & Unblocks Closed Disorders
2) Invigorate Blood, Dissipate Clumps, Red Swelling, & Alleviate Pain
3) Hastens Delivery & Facilitate Downward Passage of Stillborns
Dosages 0.03-0.1g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Pregnancy, and Yin Def with Heat signs.
Caution in patients with significant allergies, hypertension, or reduced kidney function. Some classic texts advise against ingestion of garlic while taking She Xiang
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Muscone, normuscone, muscopyridine, allantoin, androsterone, olein
Pharmacological Effects • Effects on the central nervous system: small doses of She Xiang and muscone have stimulating effect on CNS, while large doses have inhibiting effect; effect of herb to open sensory orifices associated with its function to reduce cerebral edema, increase blood perfusion to brain, and increase resistance of CNS to hypoxia
• Cardiovascular: associated with positive inotropic effect, positive cardiotonic effect, and an increase in cardiac output in frog heart specimens; with intravenous injection, significantly lowered blood pressure; muscone, on the other hand, demonstrated mixed effects on cardiovascular system in various animal species
• Antibiotic: muscone has inhibitory effect against S. aureus and E. coli
• Uterine stimulant: herb and muscone both have stimulating effect on smooth muscles, leading to contraction of uterus; pregnant uteri are more strongly influenced by this than non-pregnant ones
• Antineoplastic: herb and muscone demonstrated preliminary effectiveness against ascites and carcinoma in mice; in humans, has been used to treat cancers of the esophagus, gastric glands, colon, and urinary bladder
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.