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Líng Yáng Jiǎo 羚羊角

Pharmaceutical name Saigae tataricae Cornu antelope horn
Category Extinguish Wind and Stop Tremors
Key Properties Calms the Liver
Extinguishes Wind,
Cools Heat
Resolves Toxicity;
Especially Indicated for Extreme Heat leading to Stirring of Internal Wind
Properties Salty
Tropism HT, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Drains Liver Heat, Calms LV, Exting Wind, Controls Spasms & Convulsions
2) Calms Liver & Anchors Yang
3) Clears Liver & Improves Vision
4) Drains Heat & Resolves Fire Toxicity
5) Clears Damp-Heat (Wind-Damp-Heat Bi)
Dosages 1-3g decocted by itself for at least 2 hours;
or 0.3-0.6g ground into a powder
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Chronic convulsions from SP Def
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Calcium phosphate, protein, cholesterol, keratin
Pharmacological Effects • Sedative: oral and intraperitoneal administration decreased spontaneous physical activities and increased drug-induced sleeping time in mice
• Antiseizure: administration in mice had marked preventative effect against morphine- and caffeine-induced seizures, but was not effective against strychnine-induced seizures
• Antipyretic: oral and injectable administration have demonstrated marked antipyretic action; in rabbits with artificially-induced fever, oral administration at 4 g/kg lowered temperatures within first two hours; normal temperatures were observed after 6 hours
• Cardiovascular: intravenous injection of 50% solution at 2 ml/kg in anesthetized cats significantly lowered blood pressure
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.