
Single Herb Glossary

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Mì Tuó Sēng 密陀僧

Pharmaceutical name Lithargyrum litharge, galena, lead oxide (PbO) "elusive reclusive monk"
Category Obsolete and Prohibited Substances
Key Properties Externally: Kills Parasites, Absorbs fluids, Reduces Swell, Stops Bleeding;
Internally: Treats Chronic Dysenteric Disorders, Suppresses Childhood
Convulsions, Drives Phlegm Downward
Properties Salty
Tropism LV, SP
Actions & Indications 1) Absorbs Fluids, Reduces Swelling, & Stops Bleeding
2) Can also be used for Chronic Dysenteric Disorders and
Childhood Convulsions due to Accumulation of Phlegm.
Dosages 0.3-0.9g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Patients who are weak.
Prescribe with caution for internal use.
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Lead oxide (PbO)
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: mild inhibitory effect on some pathogenic fungi at 2% and 4% concentrations
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.