
Single Herb Glossary

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Guì Zhī 桂枝

Pharmaceutical name Cinnamomi Ramulus Cinnamon twig
Category Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior
Key Properties Light and warm
Release muscle
Unblock yang
Warm middle
Properties Acrid
Tropism HT, LU, UB
Actions & Indications 1) Release Exterior, Assist Yang ( Wind Cold in Excess or Deficiency)
2) Warms & unblock Channel/Collateral (Wind-cold-damp Bi in muscle)
3) Warms Yang and Transforms Thin Mucous
4) Assist HT Yang, unblock Yang Qi of chest
5) Warms channels, Vessels and Collaterals
6) Warm the Middle and Directs Turbid Yin Downward
Dosages 3-9 g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Warm-heat pathogen disease, Yin Deficiency with Heat, Heat in blood with vomit
Caution during pregnancy or excess menstruation or in patients with high risk of bleeding: <6 g

3-9 g
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Essential oils 0.43-1.35% (cinnamaldehyde, benzyl benzoate,
cinnamyl acetate, calamenene, β-cadinene, terpinon-4-ol), trans-cinnamic acid, coumarin, protocatechuic acid
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: antibacterial and antiviral effects; inhibitory effect against S. aureus, Salmonella typhi, some dermatophytes, and influenza viruses
• Diuretic: essential oil has a mild diuretic effect to reduce edema
• Diaphoretic and antipyretic: essential oil induces perspiration and lowers body temperature via dilation of blood vessels at the peripheral regions of body
• Analgesic
• Circulatory: dilates blood vessels, promotes blood circulation to uterus
• Other: cardiotonic, sedative and hypnotic, and antitussive effects
Herb-Drug Interactions • Diuretics: concurrent use with diuretic drugs may lead to increased elimination of water and/or electrolytes
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.