
Single Herb Glossary

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Zǐ Sū Yè 紫蘇葉

Pharmaceutical name Perillae Folium Perilla leaf, "sushi leaf"
Category Warm, Acrid, Release the Exterior
Key Properties Disperses and discharges
Harmonizes middle
Promotes Qi movement
Revives SP
Properties Acrid
Tropism LU, SP
Actions & Indications 1) Release Exterior, Disperse Cold
2) Promotes Qi movement, expand chest (nausea/vomiting, poor appetite)
3) Calm restless fetus, stop morning sickness
4) Resolves seafood poisoning
Dosages 5-9 g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: Warm pathogen disease, or Qi and Exterior Deficiency without sweating; nausea caused by Heat; long-term use may lead to Qi Deficiency
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Essential oils 0.2-0.9% (perillaldehyde, elsholtziaketone,
perilla ketone, naginataketone, isoegomaketone, dillapiol,
elemicin, wyristicin, citral, caryophellene, farnesene,
linalool, methene, menthol, trans-shisool, perilla alcohol,
dihydroperillalcohol, perillene), apigenin, scutellarin,
vicenin, shisonin, anthocyanins, cyanogenic glycosides
Pharmacological Effects • Antipyretic and diaphoretic: decoction dilates peripheral blood vessels and stimulates perspiration; at 2 g/kg via oral ingestion, mild antipyretic effect in rabbits
• Respiratory: promotes bronchodilation and relieves bronchospasm; reduces secretion from bronchioli
• Antibiotic: inhibits S. aureus; minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) is 200 to 1,600 mg/mi
• Gastrointestinal: perilla ketone stimulates gastrointestinal tract by increasing stomach acid secretion and intestinal peristalsis in rats
• Hyperglycemic: essential oils at 0.35 ml/kg given via oral ingestion in rabbits increase blood glucose levels
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

Ban Xia Hou Po Tang (Pinellia & Magnolia Bark Decoction) 半夏厚朴湯

Shen Su Yin (GinSeng and Perilla Leaf Drink) 參蘇飲

Shi Shen Tang (Ten-Miracle Decoction) 十神湯

Huo Xiang Zheng Qi San (Agastache powder to Rectify the Qi) 藿香正氣散 (藿香正气散)

Ji Ming San (Powder to Take at Cock's Crow) 雞鳴散

Jia Wei Xiang Su San (Augmented Cyperus and Perilla Leaf Powder) 加味香蘇散

Shi Liu Wei Liu Qi Yin (Sixteen Ingredient Drink for Qi Flow) 十六味流氣飲

Xing Su San (Apricot Kernel and Perilla Leaf Powder) 杏蘇散 (杏苏散)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.