
Single Herb Glossary

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Mǎ Chǐ Xiàn 馬齒莧

Pharmaceutical name Portulacae Oleraceae, Herba “horse’s teeth amaranth”
Category Clear Heat, Resolve Toxicity
Key Properties Clear heat
Resolve toxicity
Ease intestines
Properties Sour
Tropism LI, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Resolve fire toxicity, cool blood
2) Clear damp-heat (Lower Jiao), treat sores (carbuncle)
3) Pain/swelling (genital swelling, pus), Wasp/snake bites
4) Stop bleeding, unblock painful urinary dribbling
Dosages 9-15 g
Contraindications (TCM) CI during pregnancy
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Nor-adrenaline 0.25%, l-noradrenaline, dopamine, malic acid, citric acid, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, galacturonic acid, arabinose, galactose, rhamnose, betacyanin, oleracin I, II; ferulic acid, β-amyrin, lupeol, nicotinic acid, tocopherol, β-carotene
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: water extract has inhibitory effect in vitro against Bacillus dysenteriae; alcohol extract effective against E. coli, Salmonella typhi, Staphylococcus aureus and some dermatophytes
• Uterine stimulant: extract has stimulating effect on smooth muscles of intestines and uterus in rats, rabbits, and guinea pigs; leads to increased peristalsis of intestines and contraction of uterus; it was noted in another study that Ma Chi Xian has mixed effects on the uterus; the stem may stimulate the uterus and lead to contraction, the leaves may inhibit the uterus and lead to relaxation
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.