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Zǐ Cǎo 紫草

Pharmaceutical name Arnebiae/Lithospermi Radix
Category Clear Heat, Cool Blood
Key Properties Cools & Invigorates blood
Resolves toxicity
Facilitates passage of stool & urine
Properties Sweet
Tropism HT, LV
Actions & Indications 1) Clears Heat, Cools the blood, Relieves Fire toxicity, Vents Rashes
2) Clears Damp-Heat from Skin
3) Moistens LI: used if rashes are accompanied by constipation or urinary dysfunction
Dosages 3-9g
Contraindications (TCM) CI: loose stools, SP deficiency
Caution with long-term use; high dosage may cause LV cancer
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Lithospermidin A, B; deoxyshikonin, dimethylacrylalkannin, acetylshikonin, dl-acetylalkannin, β-acetoxyisovalerylalkannin, dl-shikonin, β-hydroxyisovalerylalkannin, l-methoxy-acetylshikonin
Pharmacological Effects • Antibiotic: inhibits S. aureus, E. coli, Bacillus dysenteriae, and some dermatophytes and influenza viruses; also has inhibitory effect against herpes virus; shown effectiveness in HBsAg in patients with hepatitis B
• Anti-inflammatory: marked anti-inflammatory effects, and promotes healing in animals
• Contraceptive: demonstrated effectiveness as a contraceptive; extract inhibited the estrual cycle in rats; effect was completely reversible upon discontinuation of treatment; in follow-up studies, determined that oral administration is associated with inhibition of gonad-stimulating hormone and chorionic gonadotropin; net result of such endocrine influence is decrease in weight of ovaries and uterus
• Cardiotonic: in anesthetized rabbits and toads, administration of Zi Cao from Xinjiang province (Arnebiae Euchroma) has stimulating effect on heart at low doses, and an inhibitory effect at high doses; administration associated with sharp decline of blood pressure in anesthetized animals, but has no significant effect on awake subjects
• Gastrointestinal: oral administration of decoction has stimulating effect on smooth muscle of intestines, leading to contraction
• Antineoplastic: antineoplastic effects by interfering with DNA synthesis of cancer cells at G2 phase; preliminary tests showed effectiveness against chorioepithelioma, chorioadenoma and acute lymphocytic leukemia; also decreases he incidence of breast cancer in mice
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.