
Single Herb Glossary

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Qiān Niú Zǐ 牽牛子

Pharmaceutical name Pharbitidis Semen Pharbitis nil seed morning glory/cowherd seeds
Category Downward Draining
Key Properties Unblocks and drains, via both the urine and stool, to clear and expel accumulated damp heat in the qi level of the three burners
Most moderate
Properties Bitter
Slightly Toxic
Tropism KD, LI, LU, SI
Actions & Indications 1) Drains Water & Promotes Urination
(From 3 Jiaos via Urethra & Anus)
2) Drives out Phlegm & Thin Mucus (Damp Heat ST & Intestines)
3) Unblocks Bowels & Removes Accumulation
4) Expels Intestinal Parasites & Reduces Stagnation
Dosages 3-6g. Crush before decocting.
Pills or powders: <3g per day
Contraindications (TCM) Pregnancy, St Qi Deficiency
Caution with weak patients
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Pharbitin 2%, pharbitic acid C, D; lysergol, chanoclavine, penniclavine, isopenniclavine, elymoclavine, gibberellin, gibberellin glucoside
Pharmacological Effects • Cathartic: stimulates intestinal peristalsis and promotes bowel movement; must be processed at a low temperature or by soaking in alcohol; ineffective if cooked at a high temperature
• Antiparasitic: antiparasitic action against roundworms derived from pigs, according to in vitro studies
Herb-Drug Interactions • This herb antagonizes or is antagonized by Ba Dou (Crotonis Fructus)
Classical Formula(s)

Mu Xiang Bing Lang Wan (Aucklandia and Betel Nut Pill) 木香檳榔丸

Yu Gong San (Yu's Achievement Powder) 禹功散

Zhou Che Wan (Vessel and Vehicle Pill) (deleted qing fen) 舟車丸 (減輕粉)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.