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Shi Wei 石葦

Pharmaceutical name Pyrrosiae Folium
Category Drain Damp
Key Properties cools the lungs above, faciliates the bladder below, halts bleeding due to heat
Properties Bitter
Sl cold
Tropism UB, LU
Actions & Indications 1) Clear Damp Heat & Unblocks Painful Urinary Dribbling (Damp Heat Lin)
2) Clears Heat and Stops Bleeding
(from chaotic movement of Hot Blood)
3) Clears Lungs, Expel Phlegm, and Stops Cough (due to Lu Heat)
Dosages 6-9g
Contraindications (TCM)
Contraindications (Western)
Chemical Composition Isomangiferin, kaempferol, quercetin, isoquercitrin, trifolin, β-sitosterol, diploloptene, chlorogenic acid
Pharmacological Effects • Expectorant: water decoction decreased secretion of mucus in respiratory tract; however, only minimal expectorant effect at 15 g/kg via intraperitoneal injection or 50 g/kg via oral ingestion
• Antitussive: oral administration of isomangiferin has marked antitussive action in mice, but not as potent when compared to codeine
• Antiviral: marked inhibitory effectiveness against herpes simplex virus I
Herb-Drug Interactions
Classical Formula(s)

Bie Jia Jian Wan (delete Qiang Lang) (Soft-Shelled Turtle Dec) 鳖甲煎丸 (减蜣螂)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.