
Classical Formula Glossary

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Fang Ji Fu Ling Tang (Stephania and Poria Decoction) 防己茯苓湯


Formula Type Formulas that Expel Dampness
Diagnosis Skin edema (from Spleen Yang deficiency or Spleen unable to control water)
Action Augments Qi, unblocks Yang, promotes urination, reduces edema
Indication Edema that is most pronounced in the extremities, sensation of heaviness in body and extremities, fibrillations of skin and muscles in extremeties. T: white, slippery coat; P: superficial
Remarks This edema does not disappear under pressure; formula unsuitable for skin edema accompanied by heat constraint or for edema in the interior characterized by generalized edema and a submerged pulse

Han Fang Ji (9 g)

Huang Qi (6 g)

Fu Ling (Organic) (18 g)

Gan Cao (tested) (6 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.