
Classical Formula Glossary

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Hua Ban Tang (Transform Maculae Decoction) (deleted jing mi, replaced xi jiao with shui niu jiao) 化斑湯 (減粳米) (犀角用水牛角代替)


Formula Type Formulas that Clear Heat
Diagnosis Heat in the Qi and Blood levels
Action Clears Qi-level heat and cools blood
Indication Qi-level heat signs (such as thirst and yellow tongue coat) which do not subside, fever that worsens at night, dark-red macular rash. P: rapid
Remarks Contraindicated with Yang deficiency or Spleen and Stomach weakness

Shi Gao (30 g)

Zhi Mu (12 g)

Gan Cao (tested) (9 g)

Xuan Shen (Organic) (9 g)

Shui Niu Jiao (120 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.