
Classical Formula Glossary

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Wu Zhu Yu Tang (Evodia Decoction) 吳茱萸湯


Formula Type Formulas that Warm Interior Cold
Diagnosis Stomach deficiency cold with Liver involvement
Action Warms and tonifies the Liver and Stomach, directs rebellious Qi downward, stops vomiting
Indication Vomiting from either Yangming or Shaoyin warp disorders, and Jueyin warp headache. P: not red but has a slippery coat; P: slow or wiry
Remarks For a wide range of conditions with vomiting due to Stomach or Liver disharmony

Wu Zhu Yu (12 g)

Sheng Jiang (Organic) (18 g)

Ren Shen (Organic) (Red) (9 g)

Da Zao (4 g)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.