
Single Herb Glossary

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Dīng Xiāng 丁香

Pharmaceutical name Caryophylli Flos Eugenia caryophyllata flower bud, Clove
Category Warm Interior, Expel Cold
Key Properties Warms the Middle
Directs Stomach Qi downward
Treats hiccough
Fortifies the Kidney Yang
Properties Acrid
Tropism KD, SP, ST
Actions & Indications 1) Warms the Middle Burner and Directs Rebellious Qi Downward
2) Warms the Kidneys and Aids the Yang
Dosages 1-3g
Contraindications (TCM) Internal Heat with Yin Deficiency
Contraindications (Western) Possible side effects: dizziness, palpitations, chest oppression, headache, perspiration, decreased blood pressure, skin rash
Chemical Composition Essential oils 16-19% (eugenol, caryophyllene, acetyleugenol), α-caryophyllene, chavicol
Pharmacological Effects • Gastrointestinal: promotes digestion by increasing bile and gastric acid secretions
• Antibiotic: inhibiting effect against Vibrio cholerae, Bacillus anthracis, Salmonella typhi, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Bacillus dysenteriae, E. coli, Bacillus subtilis, and S. aureus
• Analgesic: essential oil applied topically has analgesic effect to relieve toothache
• Antitoxin: potassium cyanide and sodium nitrate poisoning can be treated by administration of Ding Xiang; according to animal studies, intraperitoneal injection was beneficial in prolonging survival time in mice that were given 4 mg/kg of potassium cyanide via intravenous injection; similar beneficial effects observed in mice poisoned with 800 mg/kg of sodium nitrate
• Antiasthmatic: essential oil has marked antiasthmatic effect, with duration of action of approximately 6 hours
Herb-Drug Interactions • This herb antagonizes or is antagonized by Yu Jin (Curcumae Radix)
Classical Formula(s)

Ding Xiang Shi Di Tang (Clove & Persimmon Calyx Decoction) 丁香柿蒂湯

Su He Xiang Wan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha, An Xi Xiang) (Liquid Styrax Pill) 蘇合香丸(減麝香,硃砂,安息香)

Zi Xue Dan (delete She Xiang, Zhu Sha; Ling Yang Jiao substituted with Shui Niu Jiao) (Purple Snow Special Pill) 紫雪丹(減麝香,朱砂;羚羊角用水牛角代替)


This information is a reference tool for Chinese herbal studies. It is not intended to replace professional medical advice. Please consult a primary health professional if you require health advisory.